non-zero exit is a vo ezn --- - radio <embed> at worm \\
in computer programming realms, non-zero exit status denotes failure. once a month we go into tools and our personal stories behind them ::
ones of > fun / struggle / mess / emancipation / fires / drifts / perseverance / [...] / && sounds
modding the mirror world at MaMa
i noticed after a while that i was moving in very predetermined ways >> i was on rails in outside world
trying to apply video game mechanics to real spaces and see how that effects people's perception
we kind of function and not stand out
surveillance in the city »» sensor networks that are integrated in public space
special trashcan
little community of hamsters
fucked up fairy tale
closed / closing reverse / open / angry / angry closing / angry reverse
imgs: jacqueline fuijkschot
a fruiting body of collective labour
de-hierarchising education >> fungi networks
de > non - hierarchy
> deconstructing mainstream fashion magazine
> count the adds count the brands >> zine
> if you're saying you're an idepenedent radical magazine, i think you need to show why and how, and i think it's not possible to be radical within an industrial context
warehouse << `wouldn't it be nice to have a community of collaborators?!` `wlnd it be nice if we cld have a bit more control over our output?!`
join wokrsops >> modular garment making system
> a publishing experiment starting from the feed as a potentially multi-directional circulation device
mythology of margiela
library of unrully fashion practices
first female union in the netherlands -- de naaistersbond
i love a good copy machine and a free ptinting card
artschool education wasn't focused on economic sustenance
screen is out!
touchscreen > 40 pins
hardware is intimidating [...] because consequences
are we losing screws?
i really enjoy styling [interfaces] and i think this is something i could spend my whole life doing without thinking time is passing
i like when the grid breaks, because then this system that has gone through years of refinement has these little glitches in it
future labor of maintenance
'good practices'
fruitfly -- A cursor pack inspired by fruit flies
> video was the assumed default everywhere on the livestream platform, although it's no the default for most people
John Lee Clark -- Against Access
/////// tactile impression
ooooo / bolwerk / xm / rotel / [...]
constellation -- we -- universe
post-structuralist discourse < > semantics/linguistics
sound / txt / img ~ content / form
'why do we have to identify?' be out there with diff practices -- always collaborative
we didn't want to streamline ideas
hakim bey -- t.a.z.: the temporary autonomous zone
--------- permanent autonomous zone
it was more interesting that more people were called 'bolwerk'
probably it's actually through the domain name]]
when we did music -- our name was rotel << named after the aplifier ]
///// ? we have to hear your voice if you open your mouth
ssh -- secure shell -- portal <3
$ ssh
$ tmux new -t partyy
scroll in tmux session
ctrl b + [
exit [detach] tmux session without quitting
ctrl b + d
cryptodance -- trying to understand cryptography historically // also what is trust / how to build trust with yourself - with your own body and then with other bodies
putting diffie-hellman key exchange into movement
it's all practices which come more out of hacking with care
sadie plant -- zeros + ones
together you become a computer
would you say it's a celebration of failure?
$ chown -R
directory ~~ folder
little lo-fi looper
all these cables are out -- it's just ready to explode
i just started bringing tools to performances -- screwdrivers, pliers
to think about vulnerabilities of tools
how do you feel about preservation?
6-8-6-1-5-6 borg
7-7-8-9-lala git
4 hours for 3 forward slashes
fucking fuck nginx
funkwhale -- a free / decentralized / open-source / federated audio streaming and sharing platform
internal agony .. circle of doom
breaktimer -- a desktop application for managing and enforcing periodic breaks
<3 care repository <3
comments in the code [?]
$ cat
$ history
$ fg
for logging terminal sessions [transcripts] >> .log files saved by date :: add this line in ~/.bashrc
test "$(ps -ocommand= -p $PPID | awk '{print $1}')" == 'script' || (script -f $HOME/.shell_logs/$(date +"%y__%b-%d____%H-%M-%S")_shell.log)
to activate this change, run
$ source ~/.bashrc
ca la dona -- space for feminist action
my servers are laptops
i knew some system administorts that were also volunteering for these social movements <3
[in quarantine] i was just bored and looking at the dashboard where i have the 'once-click install wordpress' and i saw >> 'one-click install nextcloud' >> i was so itrigued that i clicked on it immediatelly which destoryed my wordpress website, but it gave me a working nextcloud
$ sudo snap istall nextcloud
peertube -- a free and open-source / decentralized / ActivityPub federated video platform powered by WebTorrent
i think live-streaming is very advanced form of historiography
whether we like it or not it [facebook] is kind of like the streets -- it's controlled by powers that are mostly against you
workshop -- network topologies [varia >> h&d]
tech learning collective -- technology education for radical organizers and revolutionary communities
mckenzie wark -- a hacker manifesto >> hacker class
only from this perspective i started considering myself a hacker
yeah we all know that this sucks, but now what
mastodon -- a free and open-source software for running self-hosted social networking services.
matrix -- an open network for secure, decentralized communication
drawing as a medium for thinking >> since 10 years old i'm just drawing -- now i'm involved in other tools and always thinking those tools through drawing >> system flows / maps / coding
problems i'm able to solve quickly are the visual problems -- i just decided i'm just gonna change the interface my command line interface and maybe i will read it differently ]]]]
graphviz -- an open source graph visualization software
it's the act of solving what i really like -- there is no end / you can't stop
embarrassing 5 hours <3
the moment you are able to appreciate these errors then you also understand how nowadays technology 'needs to be' perfect / effortless / smooth -- you don't let it behave with this noise -- the bugs have their own charm
written word for me is so evoking -- i think it has this power - language is magic in the sense of summoning and spell-ing
we don't have the same figures in our heads
bureaucracies of language
ATATA -- reciprocal awareness
attemp press -- independent publishing project
pandoc -- tool for converting one markup format into another
[ drawings ]
i will allow you to do it [cinema] only if you also take computer science // moms <3
i just knew that there was something in it that i really really liked and how-can-i-use-it-creatively came later
informatics on paper-only
the web as a storytelling platform -- web theatre
>> journal > i'm already out there <
when i do my artistic project, i feel i have to incorporate myself in it, because then [otherwise] i don't know how to relate to it
i'm more and more defining myself in different ways >> how do i use my project to access what i'm actually going through
talking cure >> writing cure
poster [from the interface] <> text
i was 10 versions behind
i think i need to update IP
in the end you feel like you don't understand internet ]]]]]]
i made this .zip unzip -- so satisfying <3
$ unzip /path/to/file
did you push?
did you pull?
creative coding ecologies -- mapping of creative coding community
++ if you want to be part of it
they are all floating around in this white space -- we thought about this space/galaxy -- somehow you need to make sense of it
WITH WHICH -- wtf ]]]
> how communities use technology to reclaim certain sense of autonomy or being able to define their dependencies
constant fragile state -- you are facing the possibility of collapse at any moment
situated knowledges -- donna haraway -- partial perspectives / embeddedness of knowledge into the world / from particular points of view
to think together what that might mean
software not as something that exists accross a standard necessarily, but that can be adapted to particular situations and can exist through diferrent iterations / continuations / genealogies >> movement of software
atnofs -- a traversal network of feminist servers
We trust you have received the usual lecture from the local System Administrator. It usually boils down to these three things:
#1) Respect the privacy of others.
#2) Think before you type.
#3) With great power comes great responsibility.
$ sudo service pulseaudio restart
it feels like you're learning to get closer to the machine -- you relate to your computer diferrently
digital discomfort -- cristina cochior / karl moubarak / jara rocha -- online meeting and conferencing tools, powered by renewable energy, running on cooperatively owned infrastructure
bots as digital infrapunctures -- digital infrapuncture is a term that draws attention to stress points in infrastructures and stimulates thinking about how to intervene.
protective optimization technologies -- intervene from outside the system, do not require service providers to cooperate, and can serve to correct, shift, or expose harms that systems impose on populations and their environments.
i don't necessarily want to repair twitter
let it burn
ocr -- optical character recognition
i like this idea of suggesting that there is more than meets the eye, that there are things hidden in plain sight
efficient art
boundaries of the game are not clear
they kept taking things and thought they would be important later on
udp -- urban data platform
information copy of the city
mirror world
i realized that a lot of the inspiration why i'm doing this cross-over games between real spaces and fictional spaces come from this fascination of me sleepwalking as a kid
that network or that mechanism as a creature with personality
luring in ~
you are not here -- dislocative tourism agency